Here at the Idaho Angler we have been teaching fly fishing and related classes for 24 years.  Our instructors are exceptional. We are Boise’s largest fly fishing retail store, with our own dedicated classroom, and can supply all of the gear you may need. We hope to bring beginners into the sport, and to help the average recreational fly fisher improve his or her skills and enhance his or her enjoyment of the sport. Our instructors are all experts in their field, and will share their knowledge with you. We welcome private groups or pre-formed groups who want to schedule their own classes, and we are happy to set up individual private instruction for anyone who prefers that class structure. Classes are not recommended for children under 12.

Learn the basics

In this class we familiarize you with the all the gear and all the jargon that comes with fly fishing. We accomplish this by walking around the shop with our instructor in a hands-on learning environment. This way you get a chance to wiggle a fast action and slow action fly rod, comparing the two so you have a better understanding of the difference and benefits of both. We do this with everything from boots to waders and everything in between. We then go into our classroom to teach you all the knots you need to know, and how to rig a fly rod for every situation. We cover the basics on where the fish are and how to fish to them. The class then goes out to the grass with a Fly Fishers International Certified Casting Instructor teaching Overhand and Roll casting. The class is rounded out with how to bring in a fish (which we feel is pretty important)! This is a 5 hour class usually conducted on Saturday mornings (includes a 30-minute break), but we can schedule classes for groups according to your schedule.

Learn the tools, materials and methods of fly tying in this 5-week course. Each weekly two hour session will introduce you to a new fly pattern.  The class starts off as a beginners class but by the end of the class, through the five flies that we have hand picked for you to tie, you will have learned techniques needed to tie most patterns. All tools and materials are provided and a 10% discount is offered to you while you are enrolled in the class so you can splurge on everything you need to start tying on your own. NOTE : For all enrolled  students in Beginning Fly Fishing and Fly Tying a 10% discount is offered during the the course of the class.

The Idaho Angler Fly Fishing University offers private instruction in casting, tying and fishing techniques to individuals and to privately formed groups. Call or email us at [email protected] to discuss possibilities and/or to arrange a private class.


We also offer advanced level classes.  These classes include Dry Fly Fishing, Nymph Fishing, Streamer Fishing, Entomology, and many more.  We start these classes in the morning in our new stand alone classroom (across Dorian Street from the retail store). For many classes, the format is similar: We begin in the class room with a Powerpoint presentation.  After the classroom portion of the class we do a quick tuning of your cast.  When this portion of the class is complete and all questions are answered we take what we have learned and head to the river. In this lightly guided section of the class we try out our newly learned skills. This always produces more questions and our expert instructors are there to help guide you in whatever manner is needed.


Students attending the Advanced level classes are expected to have their own gear, including waders, boots, rod/reel with appropriate line, flies, tippet, etc.  We do have rentals available.

This Highly specialized one day class includes a classroom style Power Point presentation that prepares you for 4 hours on the Owyhee River practicing what you learned. Our instructor will monitor the students progress and gently guide you along as questions arise.
Topics covered:Bug Identification, Fly Selection, Identifying the Rise Form, Setting up your Fly Rod for success and Approach and Casting.

This Highly specialized one day class includes a classroom style Power Point presentation that prepares you for 4 hours on the Boise River practicing what you learned. Our instructor will monitor the students progress and gently guide them along as questions arise.
Topics covered:Bug Identification, Fly Selection, Approach and Casting, and Setting up your Fly Rod for Different Styles of Nymphing Including Indicator Fishing and High Stick Nymphing or Chezk Nymphing.

This Highly specialized one day class includes a classroom style Power Point presentation that prepares you for 4 hours on the Boise River practicing what you learned. Our instructor will monitor the students progress and gently guide them along as questions arise.
Topics covered: Forage Fish Identification, Streamer Selection, Approach and Casting, How to give life to your streamer and Setting up your Fly Rod for Streamer fishing including fishing with a Floating Line (with and without a strike indicator), fishing with a Sink Tip Line and fishing with a Full Sink line.

This Highly specialized class includes a classroom style Power Point presentation that prepares you for 6 hours on the Boise River honing your skills behind the oars. The on the water portion of the class may take place on a different day depending on numbers of people in the class and availability of boats.
Topics Covered: Boat Safety, Boat Handling, Fishing from the Boat, Landing fish from the boat and How to Safely Launch and pull your boat in and out of the water.

This in-depth one day class includes a classroom style Power Point presentation and hands on identification of water-born insects. The insects we will be studying and identifying have been previously collected by our staff from our local waters. Students are also encouraged to collect insects to bring into class to also be identified. We will then work on fly selection from our extensive fly inventory in our Fly Shop to match these bugs.

Everyone has room to improve their casting and we can definitely help with that! We offer casting classes for single and two handed (Spey) rods. Our casting classes are one to two hours long and can be taken in a group setting or by individuals in a one-on-one situation. All our instructors are FFI (Fly Fishers International) Certified Casting instructors. These classes can be held on the grass next to the fly shop or on the water.

Our Advanced Single-Hand and Two-Hand instruction is handled by Rick Williams.  Rick is an FFI Master Instructor for both Single-Hand and Two-Hand disciplines and teaches by appointment.  He can be reached at 208-861-1325 or at [email protected]

If you are interested in being a guide or you just like teaching your friends how to fly fish, becoming a certified casting instructor is the most effective way to teach fly casting. At Fly Fishing University our instructors can get you ready for the test that certifies you as a FFI Casting Instructor administered by a representative of the FFI.

At the Idaho Angler’s Fly Fishing University we are offering a five day Class which will encompass all of our classes. This will combine all of our classes and will make you the most complete angler that you can be.

This is not a regularly-scheduled offering. If you are interested, call us!